In 2022 when the last attendees left the buildings and we shut the doors of the show, we knew something special had just taken place. An industry that needed a consumer show to sell products, to further education about our fisheries and the battles we face, raise funds for the fight ahead, and to just rally the Southern California Anglers to get back out and spend time together. It was good for the fishing community and it felt good for all of us to be normal again.
Shortly after the booths were cleared and the dust had settled we were so excited to start planning the 2023 show. Our team knew that we wanted to produce the finest fishing tackle, boat, travel and outdoors consumer show that Orange County has ever seen. When we approached the OC Fair and Event Center to reserve the entire fairgrounds, the dates that the entire property was available were March 2,3,4,5, which was not on a holiday weekend, no shows were occupying the dates, and we were finally not on the Miami boat show! A huge opportunity to loosen up many of the boating community that wanted to join us. We booked the dates and reserved the first week in March for the next few years.
Fast forward to January 2023 and we are a month out, the booths are just about full, the boats are ready to roll, the bands are booked, the trout ponds are ready to go and we are humbled by the support of the industry. We are extremely excited and proud to introduce you all to the new bigger, better Pacific Coast Sportfishing Tackle , Boats, Travel and Outdoors Show Presented by Cutwater Spirits March 2,3,4,5 at the OC Fair and Event center.
Come out and join us for Southern California’s Premier Fishing, Boat, Travel and Outdoors Show. March 2,3,4,5 at the OC Fair and Event Center. 7 halls, 217,000 square feet, 5 acres of the best freshwater and saltwater tackle, boats, travel destinations and everything outdoors!!!
#fishing #saltwaterfishing #boating #OrangeCountyFishing #pacificcoastsportfishingshow #bassfishing #troutfishing #fishingboat
#barracuda #albacore #sportboats #boatshow #fishalaska #cutwaterspirits #fishingislife #fishinglife @cutwaterspirits